Tag Archive for: Bundaberg Yoga

4 Mistakes Beginners Make When Starting Yoga

Attending a yoga class when you have never done yoga before can be a little daunting. Most people are afraid of making mistakes or even looking silly when getting started and we totally get it. However, keep in mind that every yogi had to start somewhere. In fact, we’ve all been there. So, to help you feel a little more at ease, here are four mistakes most beginners make when first getting started with yoga and how you can avoid making them.

1. Comparing Yourself To Other Yogis

Let’s address the elephant in the room. When you start going to a yoga studio it can be tempting to spend a considerable amount of time checking out what other people are doing and start comparing. Are your asanas better or worse your neighbour’s? are you as flexible as the person next to you?

If you compare yourself to others in the class you end up losing focus on what you are doing and why you are there. Whether you look better or worse than other people in the class doesn’t matter, yoga should be a time to carve out some space just for you to relax and breathe.

Spend your time focusing on your asanas and letting go of your outsides stresses. As a beginner you won’t be perfect, your body may not be able to do everything straight away but you will improve with practice. Yoga is a personal journey, not a competition. Focus on your body and on your breath and you’ll leave class feeling fulfilled. Make sure to scan the yoga timetable for classes suitable for beginners.

2. Rushing Asanas

Give yourself time for each pose that you do and pay attention to your whole body. If you rush around in your day to day life it is tempting to treat your yoga class the same way. 

Remember that yoga is not a race to the finish line. Take time to find space, to settle on your mat and prepare your body for the asana. Ensure your body is in alignment before you start and most of all: Don’t forget to breathe! Slowly get into the different poses, checking your movements then allow time for several rounds of deep breathing as you remain in each pose. Remember to also come out of the pose in a gentle way with an awareness of your movements. 

3. Getting Frustrated 

Yoga looks deceptively simple, especially if you already do lots of sports or exercise. Often people new to practising yoga think they will be able to join a class and pick it up perfectly immediately. It is worth remembering that even if you are used to physical activity, that your body will be working in a new way. If you don’t do much in the way of exercise you will need to work the stiffness out of your body with gentle practice.

The asanas in yoga need you to begin to stretch and move your body in a way that’s new. Be kind to yourself, don’t get cross and frustrated, you will need time and practice to get into those perfect poses. Yoga is a gentle exercise and each time you come to class you’ll notice something get a little easier as your muscles learn the movements. 


4. Leaving Too Soon 

The final relaxation (also called Shavasana) is a great way to end a class, this is a process where you relax your body as the teacher guides you through a wind-down relaxation. This process can last from 5 minutes upwards and is important in giving yourself a moment to absorb what you have practised in class and get ready to go back to real life. 

Some new students can feel that this part of the class isn’t essential so they gather up their stuff and leave to get on with the rest of their day. This is a mistake as relaxation is one of the most important parts of the session. It gives your muscles a chance to stretch and relax but even more importantly it gives you the mental space to breathe and calm. 


6 Things You Should Know Before Your First Yoga Class

If you’re a newbie to yoga, chances are you have lots of questions about what you’re getting yourself into your first yoga class. What am I supposed to bring? What can I expect? What should I wear for Bundaberg yoga classes? The truth is, if you come unprepared, your first few sessions can be a little intimidating.

Nonetheless, here are 8 crucial tips you should keep in mind before you enter our top-rated Bundaberg yoga studio for your first yoga class. They’ll help you feel more comfy, confident, and ready for your first few yoga classes. 

#1. It Pays to Arrive Early

The last thing you want for your first yoga class is to arrive late. The rule of thumb is to get to our yoga studio at least 10 minutes before the mats get humming. For one, there might be some paperwork to get out of your way before starting your class. Even better, you’ll be able to get a one-on-one with the instructors, and perhaps have some of your questions answered personally. More importantly, arriving early gives you an opportunity to snag a prime location in the studio.

#2. It’s Never a Good Idea to Take Yoga Classes with a Full Stomach

Sure, yoga can be intensive, but doing it on a full stomach is a big no-no. It’ll hinder your practice, making it harder to twist, turn, and whatnot. If you must, munch on a banana no less than 20 min before the yoga class starts. Generally, you should wait at least 2 hours to do yoga after a meal.

#3. Do a Bit of Research before your First Yoga Class

You cannot budge into a yoga studio without knowing a little about the instructors and how things are done. Give a call to your instructor. Have a read through our yoga blog. Chat with a friend who has advanced in yoga classes. Whatever you do, learn something before your first class. There’s so much to learn about yoga!

#4. What to Bring?

Bring a water bottle. Remember yoga is a physically-demanding activity, which implies it’s crucial to stay hydrated. Don’t forget to shop for a high-quality yoga mat and props. The goods news is that our Bundaberg yoga studio has fabulous mats and props available at no additional charge.

#5. Bare Feet, Bare Feet

You probably know this, but it’s worth mentioning that no socks or shoes are permitted at our Bundaberg yoga studio. Practising with bare feet will give you a better grip on your mat and allow you to feel into the poses better.

#6. Yoga’s All about Breathing

If you thought yoga is all about poses and bending, think again. Breathing is a huge component — and with good reason. It helps calm your mind and decongest your thoughts. By synchronising your breath with your movement, you will find more balance throughout your body and your life. 


Watch how yoga has helped these Bundaberg locals improve their lives

5 Ways On How Yoga Improves Life

If you are here, you might have attended one or more of our yoga classes in Bundaberg, or maybe you’re on the search for ways on how yoga improves life. Perhaps you have just got out of a long-term relationship or work is usurping all your energy. Whatever it might be, I will tell you this: yoga will transform your life, and change it for the better.

How so, you ask? Here are some ways taking our yoga classes in Bundaberg can truly improve your life.

1. Taking Yoga Classes in Bundaberg will Help you Lose Weight and Keep it Off

If you have been packing weight in all the wrong places, your health can deteriorate and your self-esteem will take a hit. Are you finding it hard to stick to your weight loss program or a healthy diet? If yes, taking yoga can do the trick.

Yoga classes in Bundaberg allow you to connect with your inner self and be in harmony with your emotions. Thanks to yoga, you will be able to kick your food cravings, stick to your exercising, and eventually shed a few pounds. It is incredible how much easier it is to stay focused and not lose track of your life’s purpose when you embrace yoga.

2. Yoga Helps Relief Pains and Aches

Perhaps you’ve taken a brunt of a beating from persistent back pains, migraines or even headaches. You see, pain can greatly affect the quality of your life. And today’s over-the-counter and prescription pain medication can do more harm than good. If you’re sailing in this boat, taking yoga classes at our Bundaberg yoga studio can help you make the shift to a healthier, happier you.

3. Yoga Improves Life by Way of Helping You Stay Stress-Free

Before taking yoga classes, it’ll probably be hard for you to admit that you are stressed out or depressed. The truth is stress from life’s ups and downs can take a toll on your work performance, happiness, and overall well-being. Thankfully, yoga can help calm your mind, reduce stress hormones, and keep anxiety at bay.

4. Yoga can do Wonders for your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Our beloved yoga classes in Bundaberg allow you to work on your 3rd chakra. This is the core area that can help you gain lots of willpower, confidence, and resolve. If you have not had the guts to switch careers or face life challenges, yoga will help give you enough confidence to finally do so. This way, you can live a happier and a healthier life and be more true to yourself.

5. Yoga Improves Life by Helping you Meet New People and Make Friends

The primary reason most yogis find yoga so alluring is that it gives you an opportunity to connect with an entirely new class of friends. Although you will still be in touch with most of your old friends, you will find fellow yogis to make interesting new friendships with. Most of the people you’ll meet in our top-rated yoga classes in Bundaberg are charming, friendly, understanding and down to earth.

When combined, all these benefits of yoga can truly change your life — for the better!

Get started today with our 30-Day Intro Offer


Watch how yoga has helped these Bundaberg locals improve their lives


People sharing their experience with Love Life Live Yoga

A short while ago we asked a few of the amazing people, whom I had the joy of practicing yoga with, about their experience and how yoga has benefited them. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to help people become the best versions of themselves and witness the benefits that come with a regular yoga practice.

The way I like to describe yoga is this:

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

Yoga is a deeply personal journey. It doesn’t matter where others are at in their practice. What matters is that you make time to reconnect with yourself. Do what you can in each given moment. Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. Surely, yoga can be challenging, especially when first getting started. Just remember that if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you. When was the last time you challenged yourself?

What you are looking for is not out there, it is within you. If you are thinking of giving yoga a try, but don’t know where to start, make sure to check out our 30-day Intro Offer for a full 30 days of UNLIMITED yoga classes. Enough time to find out if yoga is right for you, to make some new friends, and you might already see some progress. If you try it and don’t enjoy it, at least you tried. But chances are, it might very well change your life.

See you on the mat!



8 Things to Consider When Practicing Yoga

1) Avoid coming to class with a full stomach

It is best to wait 2 hours after eating to practice yoga. You may have a light snack like a banana prior to doing yoga. When you have a full stomach, not only are most yoga poses uncomfortable, but blood supply is funneled to your stomach to process the nutrients from your food, leaving your muscles shortchanged on the energy they need for a successful practice.



2) Don’t forget to breathe

Focus on breathing. Simply breathe in and out through the nose, maintaining a slight contraction in the back of the throat. The first thing you need to think of especially in the challenging poses.



3) Avoid pushing yourself too hard

Being honest to yourself and avoid to push yourself too hard. Yoga should never feel painful. If it starts to, back off. Yoga is all about awareness, about listening to your body’s subtle signals, and responding accordingly.

wheel pose


4) Empty your mind

It is hard to clear our mind and not to think of the things are happening around us. A lot of questions are keep floating in our head all the time. One of the top reasons why people practice yoga, is to learn to make an effort to quieten their mind. Sacrificing both your form and the mind-body connection that comes with a focused practice. By concentrating on your body and your breath, you can help tune out the distractions in your head.



5) Don’t rush into advanced poses

Being able to complete the foundational ones helps to ensure you have the strength, balance, and flexibility needed to tackle more advanced moves. When you rush into advanced poses, it’s very difficult to hold the correct posture, meaning you won’t use the right muscles, and you can risk injury. Remember, the basics poses are great strengtheners in and of themselves. Try to take advantage of them.




6) Don’t compare yourself to others

People are practicing at different levels in every class. “Every body is different, and yoga is about treating your individual body,” Focusing on your body and allowing yourself to grow your own practice. It is your journey, you choose to where to do and enjoy every moment.



7) Find the right yoga class with the right instructor

There are a wide range of yoga levels and styles out there that may or may not suit your needs and preferences. I believe everyone is searching for different types of yoga to practice, some people are looking for intensive yoga practices but others prefer relaxing and gentle. Take your time to find the right class and check with the instructor if you are not sure.

yoga teacher


8) Enjoy the cool-down

By focusing on stretching postures and deep relaxation, the cool down can help prevent muscle soreness, enhance flexibility, and slowly lower your heart rate and blood pressure to prevent dizziness. Normally we will do some easy spinal twists and few seated poses. There are always just a few minutes left in class for Savasana. It is usually the last pose done and the most important part of a yoga practice. So allowing yourself in this precious moment to let go your thought and enjoying this final relaxation.




Carmen Lee-Schneider


Yoga doesn’t make me soft but makes me stronger everyday.

Yoga is not just making me soft.
It makes me softer from the inside but stronger from the outside.
Sometimes we need to learn to pause, to feel our heart beat and listen to our body. Yoga is not just a physical workout, it helps us to deepen our connection between soul, mind and body. We learn when to stop and reconnect to ourselves again without distraction from the outside.
We learn to focus and listen to our inner self, which is guiding you into the right direction.
The body is not just a shelf, it’s yours. Don’t just focus on the physical appearance of you body but connect with it, feel it and create balance between body and mind.



Workshop: 2-hour Vinyasa Yoga Strong Flow and Deep Stretch

New Year Yoga Workshop!

This workshop will help you relieve stress, tension and fatigue. This is vigorous workshop designed to systematically aid detoxification. This workshop includes inversions, core works, twists and compressions for the abdomens and inner organs. When you rid yourself of excess waste and toxins you will feel lighter and clearer in your physical body, mind, and mood and increase your immunity. Feel rejuvenated and ready for a new year!

Open to everyone, all yoga movements can be modified for all different levels.

This workshop is blend with half class with standing flow and the last half with calming deep stretching.
