Tag Archive for: Bundaberg Yoga Classes

4 Mistakes Beginners Make When Starting Yoga

Attending a yoga class when you have never done yoga before can be a little daunting. Most people are afraid of making mistakes or even looking silly when getting started and we totally get it. However, keep in mind that every yogi had to start somewhere. In fact, we’ve all been there. So, to help you feel a little more at ease, here are four mistakes most beginners make when first getting started with yoga and how you can avoid making them.

1. Comparing Yourself To Other Yogis

Let’s address the elephant in the room. When you start going to a yoga studio it can be tempting to spend a considerable amount of time checking out what other people are doing and start comparing. Are your asanas better or worse your neighbour’s? are you as flexible as the person next to you?

If you compare yourself to others in the class you end up losing focus on what you are doing and why you are there. Whether you look better or worse than other people in the class doesn’t matter, yoga should be a time to carve out some space just for you to relax and breathe.

Spend your time focusing on your asanas and letting go of your outsides stresses. As a beginner you won’t be perfect, your body may not be able to do everything straight away but you will improve with practice. Yoga is a personal journey, not a competition. Focus on your body and on your breath and you’ll leave class feeling fulfilled. Make sure to scan the yoga timetable for classes suitable for beginners.

2. Rushing Asanas

Give yourself time for each pose that you do and pay attention to your whole body. If you rush around in your day to day life it is tempting to treat your yoga class the same way. 

Remember that yoga is not a race to the finish line. Take time to find space, to settle on your mat and prepare your body for the asana. Ensure your body is in alignment before you start and most of all: Don’t forget to breathe! Slowly get into the different poses, checking your movements then allow time for several rounds of deep breathing as you remain in each pose. Remember to also come out of the pose in a gentle way with an awareness of your movements. 

3. Getting Frustrated 

Yoga looks deceptively simple, especially if you already do lots of sports or exercise. Often people new to practising yoga think they will be able to join a class and pick it up perfectly immediately. It is worth remembering that even if you are used to physical activity, that your body will be working in a new way. If you don’t do much in the way of exercise you will need to work the stiffness out of your body with gentle practice.

The asanas in yoga need you to begin to stretch and move your body in a way that’s new. Be kind to yourself, don’t get cross and frustrated, you will need time and practice to get into those perfect poses. Yoga is a gentle exercise and each time you come to class you’ll notice something get a little easier as your muscles learn the movements. 


4. Leaving Too Soon 

The final relaxation (also called Shavasana) is a great way to end a class, this is a process where you relax your body as the teacher guides you through a wind-down relaxation. This process can last from 5 minutes upwards and is important in giving yourself a moment to absorb what you have practised in class and get ready to go back to real life. 

Some new students can feel that this part of the class isn’t essential so they gather up their stuff and leave to get on with the rest of their day. This is a mistake as relaxation is one of the most important parts of the session. It gives your muscles a chance to stretch and relax but even more importantly it gives you the mental space to breathe and calm. 


This Man, Told He Would Never Walk Again, Proved Everybody Wrong! (Incredible Yoga Transformation)

Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own, ever again.

He stumbled upon an article about Yoga and decided to give it a try.

He couldn’t do traditional, higher impact exercise, so he started with gentle yoga poses. Even though doctors told him walking would never happen, Arthur was persistent.

He fell many times, but kept going. Arthur was getting stronger rapidly, and he was losing weight at an incredible rate!

He gained tremendous balance and flexibility, which gave him hope that maybe someday, he’d be able to walk again.

His story is proof that we cannot place limits on what we are capable of doing, because we often do not know our own potential. This video speaks for itself.

In less than a year, Arthur completely transformed his life. If only he had known what he was capable of, 15 years earlier.

Do not waste any time thinking you are stuck – you can take control over your life, and change it faster than you ever thought possible!

Hopefully, this story will inspire you to follow your dreams – whatever they may be.

Anything is Possible!

Yoga Workshops in Bundaberg, Queensland

11 Embarrassing Yoga Questions Nobody Dares to Ask Out Loud

Some questions about yoga might seem a little too embarrassing to ask out loud. So here goes a list of the most embarrassing yoga questions that people rarely dare to ask in public (but we know you might be asking yourself). Let’s delve right into it!

Your Most Embarassing Yoga Questions Answered

1. Will I pass gas? (In other words, does yoga make you fart more?)

Ok, this one had to be first. Yoga involves a lot of bending, twisting and stretching and farts will more often than not happen because it is difficult to hold them in such positions. It happens and it’s totally natural. When you do fart in class, simply ignore it and don’t make a big deal of it. A good tip is to watch the foods you eat a couple of hours prior to class. Try to eat light and avoid gassy food, like beans etc.

2. What if I fall asleep in savasana? (Yep, it happens)

The savasana, which is the corpse position, is a resting pose and not time for a nap. When you are tired, you might end up falling asleep but as you continue practicing yoga, you’ll realise that napping is different from relaxation. Try to stay awake and increase your awareness  by being mindful of what’s going on in your body, how you feel and the thoughts that cross your mind.

3. What if I fall over?

Some yoga poses can be a little harder to perform, especially when you’re at the beginning of your yoga journey. When learning a new exercise, there’s always a chance of failing a few times before we get it right. But there’s really nothing to worry about. When it happens and you are not injured, laugh about it and simply pick up where you left off. No-one is going to judge you. As teachers, we always do our best to reduce the risk of injury and guide you through all the different poses and variations. It’s important that you listen to your body though and don’t overstretch or push yourself too hard.

4. What about going to the bathroom?

Don’t hold the call of nature till after class if you are unable to. If you can hold it then that’s fine as well. You’re allowed to go to the bathroom whenever you need. Just do it quietly, respecting your fellow yogis.

5. Is sweating too much normal?

Yoga is an exercise, so expect to sweat. When you sweat, don’t be embarrassed about it. It’s good for you and helps to flush out all the toxins in your body. The fact that you’re sweating is also a sign that you are working out properly and strengthening your body in the process. So, keep going! 


Free Yoga Class Bundaberg

6. I don’t know the chanting words. What should I do?

You are not obligated to chime in during class, neither do you need to remember the sanskrit names of all the different poses (unless, of course, you are planning on attending yoga teacher training). When you don’t know the words, just listen to the rest of the class and join in. Or leave it. It’s completely up to you and there’s absolutely no judgement. Once you start attending classes more often, you’ll get to know the different yoga poses, and before you know it, remember their names, too.

7. What if I am not flexible enough?

There is nothing to be embarrassed about if you can’t reach your toes (yet). Flexibility is something you gain over time. And that’s exactly the purpose of doing yoga. Not to show how flexible you are, but to gradually increase your flexibility. Plus all the other benefits that come with practicing yoga regularly.

8. What about my stinky feet?

Are you afraid of removing your socks during a yoga class because they’re a little smelly sometimes? Nobody likes having smelly feet in front of them when practicing yoga, so we’re glad you thought about it. It’s always better to practice yoga barefoot, as socks might make you slip on your mat. But you can simply wash your feet before you step into the studio or arrive a little early and quickly do it there before the class begins.  Easy.

9. What about stinky armpits?

Sweating is completely natural and can be a little smelly sometimes. Yoga is no different. And even though we like to embrace our natural being, your fellow yogis will probably appreciate you having a quick shower before class and maybe using deodorant if you know you’re going to sweat a lot.

10. Why does the teacher have to adjust my yoga pose?

As teachers, it’s our job to ensure you do the poses properly, so you can reap the full benefits, but also to avoid unnecessary injury. So, pose adjustments during class are very common. When they happen keep breathing and continue to keep your focus on the pose. If you prefer not to be touched during class, that’s totally fine, too. Just kindly let your teacher know before class. No judgement here.

11. Do I have to breathe loudly if my neighbor is?

Your focus should not be on the volume of your breathing but on the actual act of breathing in and out. Don’t worry too much about what others are doing. Try to turn inward and focus on your own practice. This time is all about letting go and focusing on getting your breath, mind and body in sync.

Got more embarrassing yoga questions that aren’t on the list?

Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to add them!

We hope this answered some of your embarrassing yoga questions and helps you feel a little more comfortable about coming to class. If you’re new to yoga, don’t forget to claim your FREE $25 Yoga Gift Card to use for any of our yoga classes, workshop or retreats.

See you on the mat!



6 Mental Benefits of Yoga

It’s no big secret that there are several different mental benefits of yoga that can do wonders for every aspect of your being. It can rejuvenate your mind, reinvigorate your body, and recharge your spirit. As such, the benefits of yoga cut across the physical, mental, and spiritual spectrum.

In this post, however, we shall only cover the top mental benefits of yoga

#1. Yoga Sharpens your Concentration and Memory Focus

With each yoga pose, yogis can spruce up their brain function and health. In fact, certain yoga poses and techniques have been found to stimulate the nervous system and brain. The result is improved mental focus and sharpened concentration. Moreover, yoga helps your brain become pliable so it can process information more efficiently and quickly.

#2. Yoga Helps Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety relief is one of the most important mental yoga benefits. You see, your body and mind can take a beating from anxiety attacks and stress. In fact, recent studies have shown that increased levels of stress hormones (called cortisol) can lead to pain, loss of sleep, and other lifestyle ailments. The relaxation, calmness and fluidity that come with regular yoga practice has been found to reduce not only these stress hormones, but also anxiety.

#3. Yoga Uplifts your Mood as one of the Mental Benefits

Just like other forms of exercise, vinyasa yoga can help induce the secretion of more “feel good” neurotransmitters, including endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These are hormones that regulate happiness and rewarding behaviour. At the same time, yoga reduces stress and the mood-depressing hormone called cortisol. That’s why it comes as no big surprise that yoga can work wonders for cancer and dementia patients. However, anyone can benefit from an uplifted mood.

#4. Yoga Improves Mindfulness

Mindfulness is crucial when it comes to collecting your thoughts and living in the present moment. When combined with other practices like meditation, yoga can help you become mindful of yourself, of your thoughts, and of others. More importantly, getting started with mindfulness allows you to be in sync with your emotions and be in a better position to take on life’s ups and downs. What’s more, mindfulness has been found to help boost the immune system and improve relationships.

#5. Yoga and Sleep Disorders

One of the biggest mental yoga benefits is that it can help treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. By improving your mindfulness and relaxing your mind, yoga can indeed help you sleep better and aid your body to recover faster.

#6. Yoga can Slow Down Cognitive Decline

A recent 12-week-long study has shown that yoga can effectively combat cognitive degeneration. It not only improves memory but also boost regeneration of brain cells.

There you have it — 6 mental benefits of yoga for your brain and mental health. Yoga is also recommended to help fight depression as well as treat PTSD and schizophrenia.

Meet our members: Angela


“I am an IT Business Analyst for a local financial institution in Bundaberg. I am 46 years old. And I love Yoga challenge.

I love Yoga challenge

I started practicing Yoga about 18 months ago. I love Yoga challenge – there are still so many poses I am yet to master!! I also love the feeling of serenity when I am on the mat, and not having to worry about anything else for that 60 minutes – that sense of calmness you feel after the Savasana relaxation – you can’t help but smile when you have completed your practice.

I try to attend at least 4 classes each week, but love how my mind and body feels when I achieve 6. ;-)

I was hesitant to try Yoga, as I was never one to ‘relax or switch off’, and I wasn’t sure whether I would get enough of a workout with Yoga, as I had always done aerobics. However, I had started experiencing some muscle injuries so decided I needed to increase my flexibility and tone/strengthen my muscles without weights – and Yoga has definitely helped me achieve this.

Every Yoga practice is an opportunity for me to develop my stances and this is what inspires me to keep practicing – that and our lovely instructors.

Yoga to me is fulfillment – finding that balance between exercising your body and calming your mind – and this has positive flow on benefits in my everyday life.

Love Life. Live Yoga studio is fresh, beautiful, and inviting, and Carmen and the girls are continually adding these special little ‘touches’ that enhance your Yoga experience.

For anyone new to Yoga, I encourage you to keep at it – it is a practice for ‘life’.


Meet Our members: Rebecca Spencer

How yoga helped her recover a long-lasting shoulder injury in less than a year.

What is Vinyasa Yoga? A Short Introduction For Beginners

Vinyasa yoga is a Sanskrit term. It’s one of many types of yoga and can be translated as “to arrange something in a special way”. In Vinyasa, different yoga poses are combined into a continuous flow – also called asana. It’s a dynamic form of yoga, almost like a kind of dance. According to Wikipedia, the term “Vinyāsa” can also be used to reference a style of yoga practiced as one breath, tied to one movement.

Eventually, the goal is to synchronise your movement with your breath, creating a balance between your body and your mind. Because of its dynamic nature, Vinyasa Yoga is also often called Vinyasa Flow, or simply Flow Yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga is one of the most popular types of yoga and comes in many forms. Depending on your yoga teacher, classes might be taught at a faster or slower pace, depending on the particular style and preference of the instructor. That’s why it is important for you to find a yoga instructor that you can connect and feel comfortable with.

The Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga

There are countless health benefits that come with practicing Vinyasa Flow. With a regular practice, you will not only feel your muscles strength increase and your body becoming more flexible, but it will help you cleanse your body by sweating out toxins. On a mental level, you will experience an increased ability to focus, a clearer mind and a significant decrease in stress levels. Vinyasa Yoga has proven to reduce anxiety levels and even heal depression in many people who practice regularly.

Vinyasa yoga is excellent for beginners, but offers many pathways for advanced yogis as well. It might take a number of classes to get used to synchronising your breath and your movement; but don’t let that discourage you from continuing. Eventually, you will manage to take your mind off the breathing, as your body starts to take care of it for you, and focus more on getting deeper into the yoga poses to amplify the benefits.


Vinyasa Yoga Sequence

An example of a Vinyasa Yoga Sequence (Asana).


Get Started with Vinyasa Yoga

You don’t have to be overly flexible to get started with yoga either, as you might think. The entire reason we do yoga is to become more flexible and to strengthen our bodies. In time, you will be able to practice more complex sequences that focus on different parts of your body. If your ever feel like you can’t keep up with certain poses, a good yoga instructor will guide you and provide you with variations that are suitable for your particular level, age and body size.

If you don’t have your own yoga mat when you first start out, don’t worry. Most yoga studios, like here at Love Life. Love Yoga. we always have spare mats that you are welcome to borrow at any time.

Curious? Come practice with us!

Our Bundaberg yoga studio is located at Level 1, 161 Bourbong Street, right in the heart of Bundaberg CBD.


Are you experiencing pain in your neck, shoulders or back?

Try these 11 Yoga Poses for Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain Relief


Watch how yoga has helped these Bundaberg locals improve their lives


Community Beach Yoga Session at Moore Park Beach – Video by Pluggas

Video Credit: Pluggas.com


Sabby & Fisch from Pluggas came along to capture this beautiful community yoga session at Moore Park Beach, Austalia. Yoga enthusiasts and people who have never done yoga before from Bundaberg, Bargara, Childers and surroundings all got together for the love of yoga.

Keen to try a yoga class at our Bundaberg Yoga Studio? Click below to claim your free $25 yoga gift card to use at any of our yoga classes, workshops and retreats!


SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: How yoga helped recover a long-lasting shoulder injury in less than a year.

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what would it be?

“InvigoratingI’m 36 years old and I work as a Client Support Officer in Disability Employment Services and also a pole dance instructor. I had pretty strong shoulders beforehand due to years of pole dancing, however after sustaining an injury to muscle in my left shoulder I was still left with niggling pain even after it had healed.

“After 12 months of practicing yoga, I noticed the pain has stopped and I feel stronger than ever.”

When did you start doing yoga and what makes you want to continue?

“I started over 12 months ago after attending the 3hr Yoga Base Camp workshop in 2014 with Carmen. I love feeling challenged, I love to see the progression in my practice and I love how I feel afterwards. ”


(2014 Yoga Base Camp in Bundaberg, Queensland)

How often do you attend yoga classes?

“After completed the 2-week Yoga Challenge in 2014, I was been able to attend two classes a week before I have changed my job. I miss attending more often. I was lucky enough to be able to attend the yoga retreat in Koh Samui this year and it was a fantastic experience. It was such a precious experience to practice yoga in a beautiful part of the world but I really felt like I connected and made some lovely friendships with the other participants, Carmen and her family. ”


(2015 Yoga Retreat in Koh Samui, Thailand)

What is you next goal or challenge?

“I’m working on the transitions from pose to pose.  As being able to transit from Crow pose and Chaturanga. I’m also working on handstands, I do as instructed in class but I do kick up when I’m practicing at home and I have noticed some progression…..although I’m a very long way off being able to just lift up into it as Carmen so brilliantly demonstrates in class. I’m still working on accomplishing my first tripod headstand .” ;-)

“It really is harder than it looks but is also quite gentle on the body. Yoga is definitely something for all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities.”

“Carmen is an amazing and inspirational woman!”

Would you like to share something with those who might be thinking about doing yoga in the near future?

“You will feel awkward for the first few classes but Carmen guides you through your journey very gently….and it is YOUR journey.”

Rebecca Spencer
Millbank, QLD

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: A city girl who moved to Bundy for her love.

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what would it be?

“GroundedI just turned 35, I moved from Sydney to Bundaberg 2 years ago after I met my fiancé. I work as a sales assistant at haight and Ashbury and help my fiancé with his own business ‘Just Tinting‘.”

“I truly can say I’m a better person, I handle life better, I feel happier and I can breathe better.”


When did you start doing yoga and what makes you want to continue?

“I continue to practice as i like the way I feel during and after class. I start practicing yoga in Sydney for some time with my friend who is a yoga teacher. I have tried different yoga classes but I couldn’t find one that I enjoyed until I heard about Carmen who is from Sydney and she moved to Bundaberg. Since then I feel like I have been practicing yoga forever with Carmen.”

Carmen is my number one inspiration as I can see how hard she works to be able to do the poses and how hard she works to run a business be a mum and a wife. I feel like other regular yogis inspirer me as well as I can see how practices equals progression so I guess I inspire myself when I achieve something new!  ”

How often do you attend yoga classes?

“I try to practice as often as I can I even challenge myself to do every class in the week which I have achieved but as a rule if I get to three classes a week I’m happy but most of the time I manage more it just depends on what’s going on in my life! ”


(My first 30-Day Yoga Challenge, It was amazing and proud of myself! )

What is you next goal or challenge?

“My main focus is do not fear anything in yoga I worry I will hurt myself when I’m upside down! I’m still working on the tripod headstand I feel I can physically achieve this but fear gets in my way! ”

“I like Carmen’s way of teaching I find her class to be strong but gentle and I love her sense of humour!”


“Carmen is a fantastic teacher of yoga i believe she was born todo this she is very knowledgeable, tough and kind at the same time.”

Would you like to share something with those who might be thinking about doing yoga in the near future?

“I believe Carmen is a genuine person that wants the best for her fellow yogis. You will always feel welcome in the classes with the lovely teachers from Love Life. Live Yoga.”

Melisa Godbee
Burnett Downs , QLD

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: A young girl discovered Yoga in her early 20s.

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what would it be?

Inspiring. I am 22, I am a front office manager from one of the motels in Bundaberg. I started practicing Yoga in 2014. It is just simply what I love doing now, I started feeling and seeing the benefits in yoga. I feel amazing, will only continue to improve and grow in my yoga journey.”

Yoga has taught me a whole new way of being. I learn to relax and manage stress. Yoga teaches me to control my breathing which helps me control my body and stay focus.

When did you start doing yoga and what makes you want to continue?

“I started practicing yoga with Carmen in late 2014. I can definitely feel that I am getting stronger, my mind is so much clearer through regular practice.”

How often do you attend yoga classes?

” I am doing 2-3 classes every week as well as all the workshops and yoga challenges with Carmen. I have also just booked my first yoga retreat with Carmen in Cambodia next year!”


(I completed the 30-Day Yoga Challenge with Carmen! Yay!)

What is you next goal or challenge?

“At the moment I am mainly still working on the basics to build a strong foundation like deepen my forward fold and warrior poses as I feel that I need to have the basics right to be able to move forward in my practice. I like to work on my inversions(headstand/tripod headstands), I like the feeling of being upside down. Improving my core strength to be able to control my inversions well. It is important to me that through asana, I can see just how powerful and purposeful my body is. Yoga is one of the few things that bridges my body and my mind. I would like to step out my comfort zone, and challenge my body. I have never stood up and really done something that I REALLY enjoyed before, especially any physical activity because I was not active when I was young. I have found a new me and being able to spread my wings through regular yoga practice. It’s an awesome feeling, I am very proud of myself.”

“Carmen is AMAZING! She is very helpful, kind and truly beautiful. It is so lovely to be around her.”


“Carmen is very inspiring me with her strong practice and all the things that she can do with her body, simply beautiful control and confidence. (whilst talking and teaching us all through it!) ”

Would you like to share something with those who might be thinking about doing yoga in the near future?

“Don’t just give up after the first couple of classes, give yourself some time to get to know well about yoga. It is hard at the beginning but your body will thank you in the future.”

Kirsten Neller